
Al Hudaibiyah Mosque

Mosque which marks the location of the historic treaty of Hudaibiyah, a peace agreement between the Prophet ﷺ and the Quraysh tribe of Mecca Sharif. Today, it is used as a Miqat for pilgrims intending to enter into Ihram

Mecca Sharif, Saudi Arabia

Coordinates: 21.442102, 39.625658

Masjid al-Hudaibiyah is a mosque that marks the location of the treaty of Hudaibiyah, a peace agreement between the Prophet ﷺ and the Quraysh tribe of Meccah Sharif.

This 10-year peace treaty allowed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions to return to Mecca Sharif the following year in a peaceful pilgrimage later know as the “first pilgrimage”.

Currently, known as Al-Syumaisi, the mosque acts as a miqat for Hajj pilgrims who intend to enter into Ihram.

A new structure of mosque is built next to the ruins of old mosque.

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was an event that took place during the time of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It was a pivotal treaty between Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, representing the state of Medinah sharif, and the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca in January 628 (corresponding to Dhu al-Qi’dah, AH 6).

It helped to decrease tension between the two cities, affirmed peace for a period of 10 years, and authorised Muhammad’s followers to return the following year in a peaceful pilgrimage, later known as The First Pilgrimage.

They also recognised the Islamic state in Medina by signing the treaty.

The treaty also allowed the Muslims who were still in Mecca to practise Islam publicly.

Further, as there was no longer a constant struggle between the Muslims and the polytheists, many people saw Islam in a new light, which led to many more people accepting Islam.

In addition, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah paved the way for many other tribes to make treaties with the Muslims.

The treaty also serves as an example that Islam was not merely spread with the sword, as Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had an army that could have attacked Mecca sharif, but the Prophet ﷺ chose to make a treaty instead of attacking.