
Bab al-Saghir Cemetery

Situated close to the Umayyad Mosque, Bab al-Saghir cemetery contains the graves of several eminent Sahabah, members of Ahl e Bait and many prominent Awliya allah and Scholars making it the third most Sacred Cemetery for muslims around the world

Damascus, Syria

Coordinates: 33.503952, 36.303617

Maqbarah al-Bab as-saghir which is adjacent to the Bab al-Saghir contains many prominent figures of Islamic History making it a crucial pilgrimage site for muslims around the world

Some of the prominent figures buried here are as follows :

Bibi Umm Kulthum رضي الله عنها , daughter of Hz. Ali رضي الله عنه and Bibi Fatimah رضي الله عنها

Hz. Bilal al-Habashi رضي الله عنه, the Mu’adhin of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Hz. Muawiyah رضي الله عنه

Bibi Fatimah as-Sughra رضي الله عنها, daughter of Hz. Imam Husayn ibn Ali رضي الله عنه

Bibi Fidha رضي الله عنها, the maid of Bibi Fatimah رضي الله عنها (Hz. Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ daughter)

Hz. Abdullah رضي الله عنه, son of the Fourth Imam, Hz. Ali Zaynul ‘Aabideen رضي الله عنه

Bibi Maymunah رضي الله عنها, daughter of the Imam Hz. Hasan al-Mujtaba رضي الله عنه

Bibi Asma رضي الله عنها, wife of Hz. Ja’far at-Tayyaar رضي الله عنه

Bibi Hameedah رضي الله عنها, daughter of Hz. Muslim ibn Aqeel رضي الله عنه

Hz. Kamaid bin Aswad al-Kindi رضي الله عنه, companion of Hz. Ali رضي الله عنه

Hz. Obay ibn Ka’b رضي الله عنه

Hz. Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum رضي الله عنه

Hz. Nizar Qabbani رحمة الله عليه

Ru’us al-Shuhada رضي الله عنهم

Also there is Maqam Ru’us ash-Shuhada’ رضي الله عنهم (burial place of head of the martyrs), also known as Ganj-e-sarha-e-shuhada’-e-Karbala, or Raous al-Shuhada, the former burial place of the heads of the casualties in Hz. Husayn’s رضي الله عنه army at Karbala. Among them:

Hz. Ali Abbas ibn Ali رضي الله عنه
Hz. Ali Akbar ibn Husain رضي الله عنه
Hz. Al-Qasim ibn Hasan رضي الله عنه
Hz. Hurr ibn Yazid ar-Riyahi رضي الله عنه
Hz. Habib ibn Muzahir رضي الله عنه


The following tombs are also found within this cemetery, however these are empty graves created for the purpose of ziyarah , with the actual graves being at Jannatul-Baqi, in Medinah, Saudi Arabia

Ummuhatul Mo’mineen

Bibi Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayyah رضي الله عنها
Bibi Ramlah bint Abi-Sufyan رضي الله عنها
Hz. Abdullah رضي الله عنه, son of Hz. Ja‘far at-Tayyar رضي الله عنه, and husband and cousin of Bibi Zaynab bint Ali رضي الله عنها
Hz. Abdullah رضي الله عنه, son of the Hz. Ja’far as-Sadiq رضي الله عنه

Other religious significance

In addition, the area has the well from which Hz. Ali Zayn al-Abidin رضي الله عنه used to perform wudu.