
Bayah Mosque

Also known as Al-Aqaba Mosque, it is situated near Mina and it is the site where two crucial pledges of allegiance were made by the Ansar of Madinah, which led to the migration of the Prophet ﷺ to the city

Mecca Sharif, Saudi Arabia

Coordinates: 21.424769, 39.867489

The Bay’ah Mosque, also known as the Mosque of Aqaba Hill, is a mosque outside Mecca sharif in Saudi Arabia.

It was built at the request of Caliph Abu Ja’far al-Mansur in 761/2 at the site of al-Bay’ah, i.e. the place where Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ met with the Ansar (the supporters), and they took the pledge (bay’ah, hence the name) of Aqaba.

The mosque has an open courtyard. It is located below the Wadi Mina, 300 meters from the jamrah al-‘aqaba (see Stoning of the Devil), to the right of the bridge.

Pledge of Aqaba

The second pledge at al-Aqabah was an important event in the mission of the Islamic prophet Muhammad where 75 residents of the settlement of Medina pledged their loyalty to Muhammad as their leader. It preceded the Hegira, or migration of Muhammad and his supporters to Medina where Muhammad became ruler, from Mecca where they were persecuted. The pledge occurred in 622 CE at a mountain pass (al-Aqabah) five kilometers from Mecca
A hadith attributed to Ka’b ibn Malik reports:[citation needed]

Hadith Narration:

A hadith attributed to Hz. Ka’b ibn Malik رضي الله عنه reports:

We set out for pilgrimage and struck a rendezvous in mid Tashreeq Days. We were accompanied by a celebrity and a notable of ours called Hz. Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Haram رضي الله عنه, who was still a polytheist.

We disclosed to him our intention of meeting Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and exhorted him to join our ranks and give up polytheism lest he should serve as wood for Hell in the Hereafter. He promptly embraced Islam and witnessed the serious meeting at Al-‘Aqabah’.

That very night we slept with our people in our camps. After a third of the night had elapsed, we began to leave stealthily and met in a hillock nearby. We were seventy three men and two women Nusaibah bint Ka‘b from the Najjars and Asma’ bint ‘Amr from Bani Salamah.

We waited for the Messenger of Allâh Muhammad ﷺ until he came in the company of his uncle Hz. Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib who (رضي الله عنه) adjured us not to draw his nephew away from the protection of his own kindred unless we were fully prepared to defend him even at the risk of our lives. He was the first to speak:

“O you people of the Khazraj — the Arabs used to call the Ansar (Helpers) Khazraj, whether from Khazraj or Aws — you all know the position that Muhammad ﷺ holds among us. We have protected him from our people as much as we could. He is honoured and respected among his people. He refuses to join any party except you. So if you think you can carry out what you promise while inviting him to your town, and if you can defend him against the enemies, then assume the burden that you have taken. But if you are going to surrender him and betray him after having taken him away with you, you had better leave him now because he is respected and well defended in his own place.”

Hz. Ka‘b (رضي الله عنه) replied: “We have heard your words, and now O Messenger of Allah, it is for you to speak and take from us any pledge that you want regarding your Lord and yourself.”

A hadith attributed to Hz. Jabir ibn Abd-Allah (رضي الله عنه) reports:

The Ansar (Helpers) asked the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ﷺ about the principles over which they would take a pledge. The Prophet ﷺ answered:
To listen and obey in all sets of circumstances.
To spend in plenty as well as in scarcity.
To enjoin good and forbid evil.
In Allâh’s service, you will fear the censure of none.
To defend me in case I seek your help, and debar me from anything you debar yourself, your spouses and children from. And if you observe those precepts, Paradise is in store for you.

Meccan protests

The following day, a large delegation that included the Meccan leaders set out for the camp of the Medinan to protest severely against the treaty: “O people of Khazraj, it transpired to us that you have come here to conclude a treaty with this man and evacuate him out of Makkah. By Allâh, we do really hold in abhorrence any sort of fight between you and us.”

The Medinan polytheists were not aware of the secret meeting and swore by Allah that no truth in the report. ‘Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul, a Medinan polytheist, refuted their allegations denouncing them as null and void, claiming that his people would never initiate anything unless he gave them clear orders.

The Medinan Muslims did not speak and the Meccans became convinced by the arguments of the Medinan polytheist. However, they were not fully satisfied and kept investigating the matter. It was not after that the Medinan pilgrims had left the city that they realized the truth of the matter. In a fit of rage, they pursued the pilgrims.

After much effort, they arrested al-Mundhir bin Amru but he broke away from them.

Hz. Sa’d ibn Ubadah رضي الله عنه was also captured. They tied his hands to his neck and dragged him by his hair. Heavily beating him, they brought him to Mecca Sharif. But, luckily, Al-Mut‘im bin ‘Adi and Harith ibn Harb saved him, due to business relation they had with him.