Damascus, Syria
Coordinates: 33.506516, 36.257492
Burial site of Hz. Dihyah Wahi al-Kalbi رضي الله عنه atop Mount Moreh (Jebel Dahi), the envoy who delivered prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ message to the Roman Emperor Heraclius
Known to be a spirited warrior, Hz. Abu Bakr al-Sideeq رضي الله عنه narrated that the voice of Hz. Qaqa’a (رضي الله عنه) on the battlefield was ‘more effective than one thousand men’. He was a man remaining firm with...
Great Companion of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who narrated many hadith's from Dear Prophet ﷺ
Great Islamic leader and companion of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Hz. Muawiyah رضي الله عنه was the founder of the Umayyad dynasty
He is a companion of the Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, He was mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari
He is the one whom the Prophet ﷺ praised by saying, "Every prophet has a disciple; my disciple is Zubayr". He was one of the closest friend of the Prophetﷺ in his cause. He is also the son of Bibi Safiyya, the Prophet's...
Third caliph of Islam, Hz. Uthman ibn Affan رضي الله عنه centralized the administration of the caliphate and established an official version of the Quran
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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