Guangzhou, China
Coordinates: 23.142454, 113.259436
An accomplished soldier and one of the very first converts to Islam, He conducted regular diplomatic visits to China. He and embarked on a journey to spread Islam throughout the world for decades
There might be some doubts regarding the authenticity of this site. Although the local belief in spirituality and reverence is very strong (making it a close contender for the most prominent site in that particular category)
This site is graded as Hasan because there are some theories saying that Hz. Saad bin abi waqqas didn’t made it this far in china although most of the theories claims that he did. And the local belief in this site is very strong so we are grading this Hasan.
Another Example: Tomb of Hz. Musa عليه اسلام
Coordinates: 23.142454, 113.259436
Praised and complemented by Allah and His Messenger ﷺ many times due to his heroism and unmatched virtues and whose heroism during the Battle of Uhud has always been mentioned admiringly, Hz. Talha Bin Ubaidullah رضي...
A renowned poet of Arabia and was also known by his title of "Poet of the Messenger", Hz. Abdullah bin Rawahah رضي الله عنه was the third amir appointed by the Prophet ﷺ to lead the Muslim army in the battle of Mu’ta
A judge in Damascus for a while, Hz. Abu Dardaa رضي الله عنه was a great companion of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and a compiler of the Qur'an. He attended the Conquest of Syria and Cyprus Island as well as the Battle of...
He belonged to Banu Hudayla tribe and was the nephew of the best-known poet of the early Islam, Hassan bin Thabit, Hz. Shadad ibn Aws رضي الله عنه was a narrator of hadith and a companion of the Prophet ﷺ
Sent to the King of Basra by Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with a message with him, but when he arrived in Tafilah, he was captured and killed by the Ruler of the district of Mutah, making him the only messenger of the Prophet...
He is Believed, by the locals of Istanbul, to be the companion of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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