Gonbad Kavus, Golestan – Iran
Coordinates: 37.231630, 55.135147
Son of Imam Zaid Shaheed رضي الله عنه
His title meaning "The Guided one", Hz. Imam Mahdi عليه اسلام will come in the end of times who will lead the Muslim army alongside Hz. Isa عليه اسلام against Dajjal, The False Messiah
Commemorated during an annual 10-day period held every Muharram by the Sunnis as well as Shias, culminating on its tenth day, Ashura, many believed the sacrifice of the battle was ordered by Allah and was necessary to...
An immersion into an amazing blend of ancient and contemporary Persian culture, The shrine Shah Cheragh Shrine is a lovely example of contmporary Iranian religuious architecture that dates to more then 1000 years
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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