
Jameh Mosque of Isfahan

Constructed in 4 persian & islamic architecture styles: khorasani, razi, azari and isfahani, Jameh Mosque of Isfahan is no doubt one of the most beautiful mosque in Iran where more than 900 years of Persian architecture is revealed

Isfahan, Iran

Coordinates: 32.669236, 51.684746

The Jameh Mosque of Isfahan also known as the Atiq Mosque, was the grand, congregational mosque (Jameh) of Isfahan city, within Isfahan Province, Iran.

The mosque was the result of continual construction, reconstruction, additions and renovations on the site from around 771 CE to the end of the 20th century.

The Grand Bazaar of Isfahan can be found towards the southwest wing of the mosque. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012.

Built during the Umayyad dynasty, it is rumored in Isfahan that one of the pillars of this Mosque were personally built by the Caliph in Damascus.

Prior to it becoming a Mosque, it is said to have been a house of worship for Zoroastrians.

This is one of the oldest mosques still standing in Iran, and it was built in the four-iwan architectural style, placing four gates face to face. An iwan is a vaulted open room.

Construction under the Seljuqs included the addition of two brick domed chambers, for which the mosque is renowned.

The south dome was built to house the mihrab in 1086–87 by Nizam al-Mulk, the famous vizier of Malik Shah, and was larger than any dome known at its time.

The north dome was constructed a year later by Nizam al-Mulk’s rival Taj al-Mulk.

What’s different about this mosque in the four iwans in the four sides of the mosque that is south,north, west and east.