
Jawatha Mosque

Historical mosque in Al Ahsa, This mosque is believed to be the first mosque built in Eastern Province and it is reported that this is the second mosque in the world where Friday congregation prayer (Juma’a Prayer) was offered, the first being held in Medina Sharif

Juatha, Saudi Arabia

Coordinates: 25.469859, 49.678513

Jawatha Mosque is located in the village of Al-Kilabiyah, about 12 km northeast of Hofuf, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.

It was the earliest known mosque built in eastern Arabia, and most of the original structure is in ruins. Nevertheless, the site is still used for prayer.

This ancient monument will remind you about the Prophet’s ﷺ time and the first Friday prayer outside His Holy City Medinah Sharif.

It was very far from the Medina Sharif but Banee Abdul Qais, who loved Allah and his Prophet ﷺ more than anything, carried out all the teachings in their life perfectly.

Hajr e Aswad

According to legend, when the Hajr Al-Aswad (Black Stone) was stolen from Mecca by the Qarmatians, it was kept in this mosque for nearly 22 years.

The Qarmatians were a syncretic branch of Sevener Ismaili Shia Islam. They were centred in al-Ahsa (Eastern Arabia), where they established a religious-utopian republic in 899 CE. They are most known for their revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate.

Mecca Sharif was sacked by a Qarmatian leader, Abu Tahir al-Jannabi, outraging the Muslim world, particularly with their theft of the Black Stone and desecration of the Zamzam Well with corpses during the Hajj season of 930 CE.


It was built in the seventh year of the Hijrah (c. 629 CE), or c. 636 CE,[2] at the hands of the Bani Abd al-Qays tribe, which lived there before and early in the Islamic period.

This mosque is believed to be the first mosque built in Eastern Province and where the second Friday congregation prayer in Islam was offered, the first being held in the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.

Most of the mosque’s original structure has been lost and it remains in danger of collapse. Only five small mud-brick arches remain.

The visible ruins probably date from around the 9th century AD. The mosque’s current structure’s design is similar to the design of Masmak fort in Saudi Arabia.

Entertainment Park

The park has been recently inaugurated. It includes a water pool with small boats, children toy games, cafes and restaurants, sitting areas and some landscaping areas. The entrance fees is very reasonable for SR 10 for visitors above the age of 4 years.

Beautiful location, neatly maintained good facilities, good for children with family, different levels of coffee shops, feeling like not in a dessert