
Jibal Al-Khalil (Judean mountain)

Also known Hebron Hills, Jibal Al-Khalil is a mountain range in Palestine spreading across the borders of West Bank, where Jerusalem and several other ancient cities are located

West bank, Palestine

Coordinates: 31.666700, 35.166700

The Judaean Mountains, or Judaean Hills is a mountain range in palestine where Jerusalem and several other biblical cities are located.

The mountains reach a height of 1,026 metres (3,366 ft). The Judean Mountains can be separated to a number of sub-regions, including the Mount Hebron ridge, the Jerusalem ridge and the Judean slopes.

Biblical Accounts

John the Baptist was “a voice of one calling in the desert…” (Mark 1:3).

Jesus was “led by the Spirit into the desert” (Matt. 4:1).

The desert is purity, the place of ultimate quiet to hear the “still small voice” (I Kings 19:12)

Many monasteries have been established in the Judean Desert. Some of these are still active, and others, such as the Mar Saba Monastery, the Mar Jirias and others are empty and only the ruins remain.

Near the Judean Desert and the monasteries is a very important site for Christianity, the Baptism site on the Jordan River, where Hz. Isa عليه اسلام was baptized by Hz. Yahya عليه اسلام.

According to Christian tradition, the waters of the Jordan River are sacred, and many pilgrims come to the site and immerse themselves in the waters.

Visitors can go on excursions in the Judean Desert for several days on foot, by bicycle, or with an SUV.

Tourists can lodge in one of the many hotels in the area or camp out under the stars for a real desert experience.