Mecca Sharif, Saudi Arabia
Coordinates: 21.422741, 39.825853
It refers to the open white area immediately around the Ka’bah where tawaf takes place
Only opened during the Hajj season, Masjid al-Khaif is one of the most important mosque in mina valley where it is said according to many traditions that Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and it also knows as burial site of Hz...
First wife of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and considered by many to be the first Muslim
Marks the spot where Hz. Jibraeel عليه السلام taught Dear Prophet ﷺ how to pray salah following the miraculous night journey to Masjid al-Aqsa
Everyone knows about the famous story of Mount Safa and Marwa but not everyone knows about Mount Abu Qubays which holds prestigious value as well in the Islamic history. History that dates back to the creation of the...
It's a well next to which the Prophet ﷺ camped for one night, before bathing with its water the next morning, performing Salah and entering Mecca Sharif
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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