Mecca Sharif, Saudi Arabia
Coordinates: 21.429365, 39.822063
Believed to have been the first human being on Earth and first prophet of Islam. Hz. Adam’s عليه اسلام role as the father of the human race is looked upon by Muslims with reverence throughout history
Maqam confirmed in a long area perimeter & the exact place where the event took place is not known or confirmed.
Example: Battle site of Battle of Yarmouk
Coordinates: 21.429365, 39.822063
Commonly known as John the Baptist in Christianity, Hz. Yahya عليه اسلام is a prophet of Islam who was born miraculously to two elderly parents. His father was Prophet Zakariyya عليه اسلام, the uncle and protector of...
Prophet Dawud عليه اسلام is one of the few Islamic Prophets who received Kingship as well. While other prophets preached during the reign of kings, Hz. Dawud عليه اسلام, in his time, was the king. Thus, he received an...
Reportedly a dozen wells at this location, as well as a collection of palm trees, this location fit very well with the biblical Elim where Hz. Musa عليه اسلام striked the ground with his stick and water gushed forthm...
Bibi Maryam Bint Imran رضي الله عنها, the mother of Hz. Isa عليه اسلام, is considered one of the most righteous women in the Islamic religion. She is mentioned more in the Quran than in the entire New Testament and is...
A gigantic split rock which is said to have been struck by Hz. Musa عليه اسلام for quenching the thirst of Bani Israel, once again
Another site of Annunciation close to Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها well, where it is said that Hz. Jibrael عليه اسلام appeared to Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها to announce her that she was going to become the mother of Hz. Isa...
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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