Salalah, Oman
Sahih Multiple Secondary is applied to all the other category claiming the claim but the position of an authentic one, which is already given to Sahih Multiple Primary. And all the sites in Sahih Multiple Secondary are most probably out there for reverence purpose or they might have some story behind that particular site.
The most prominent site of burial place of Hz. Hud alahi salam is in Yemen
Another site claiming to be the burial site of Hz. Hud alahi salam is in Najaf (Iraq)
Example: Let’s take above example, Hz. Yunus alahi alam in Mosul, Iraq belongs to Sahih Multiple Primary as it is the authentic one. And the sites in Mashhad and Halhul, Palestine belongs to Sahih Multiple Secondary
The reason why we are calling Sahih Multiple Secondary as Sahih is because although they might not be the real authentic one but the presence is definitely felt there according to the local belief in many sites and in respect for those spiritual reasons we don’t wanna grade any side ‘Weak or Fake’
Coordinates: 17.217096, 54.129520