Al-Nabi Shayth, Lebanon
Just like Sahih ONE, Sahih Multiple Primary also applies to a place in which there is no doubt whatsoever regarding the authenticity of that particular site of burial or place holding the holy relics. The only difference here is that there are multiple sites that are claiming to be that particular site, and Sahih Multiple Primary applies to the site which is the Authentic one out of the two, three, four, five….
Another site claiming to be the burial site of Hz. Sheth alahi salam is in Mosul, Iraq
Example: More than three sites claim to be the burial place of Prophet Yunus alahi salam but the real authentic site is in Mosul, Iraq and other sites are most probably for reverence purposes.
So remember Sahih Multiple Primary = Sahih ONE, but unlike Sahih ONE which only have one and only place in the world claiming that particular claim, Sahih Multiple Primary applies to the authentic one out of a group.
Coordinates: 33.872145, 36.112068