
Agha Bozorg Mosque

Built by son of the Mulla Ahmad Naraqi who is well known for rallying the Iranian forces against the Russian invasion of northern Iran

Isfahan, Iran

Coordinates: 33.9785005, 51.445208

Agha Bozorg mosque is a historical mosque in Kashan, Iran. The mosque was built in the late 18th century by master-mi’mar Ustad Haj Sa’ban-ali.

The mosque and theological school (madrasah) is located in the center of the city.

Agha Bozorgh Mosque was constructed for prayers, preaching and teaching sessions held by Molla Mahdi Naraghi II known famously by his title of Agha Bozorgh given to him by the Shah himself.

He was the son of the legendary Mulla Ahmad Naraqi who is well known for rallying the Iranian forces against the Russian invasion of northern Iran and declaring “jihad” or “holy war” against the invading Russians.

He was successfully able to reconquer the Iranian lands that the invading Russian forces had captured during that offensive.

The mosque has been described as “the finest Islamic complex in Kashan and one of the best of the mid-19th century”.

Noted for its symmetrical design, it consists of two large iwans, one in front of the mihrab and the other by the entrance.

The courtyard has a second court in the middle which comprises a garden with trees and a fountain.

It has two levels, the mosque on the first floor and the madrasa below. The madrasa is a Koranic school that trains mullahs. It’s recommended to visit, a must-see in Kashan.

This lovely mosque has a lively backyard and also an oasis hidden underground level for praying ceremonies.

You can see the students studying in the yard, where their rooms are all around the yard. The most eye-catching feature of this place is definitely its blue and turquoise tiles which are tactfully and beautifully placed next to each other to form interesting Persian geometric patterns.