
Ashabi Kahf in Nakhchivan

Considered the most important sacred place in Nakhichevan, every year thousends of pilgrims visit Ashabi Kahf Cave

Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan

Coordinates: 28.531482, 77.219407

Ashabi-Kahf is a sanctuary in a natural cave which is located in the eastern part of the city of Nakhchivan, in Azerbaijan.

Since ancient times Ashabi-Kahf is considered as a sacred place.

It is known not only in Nakhchivan, but also in other regions of Azerbaijan and countries of the Middle East.

Each year tens of thousands of people make a pilgrimage to this place.

From the parking lot a long series of stone stairs and iron staircases lead uphill.

A small frotto on the way is said to be a wishing cave, and there is a saying that putting four stones in the cave will grant a wish.

Obviously this is known to others too, and there are no stones left in the surroundings, so you should brng the stones from the parking lot.

When you reach the top of the stairs there is a shallow natural cave which is quite unimpressive. The cave entrance points towards Mecca.

Lower down and off to the side is something far more interesting – a small shrine housing a large meteorite. The sacred black stone has been worn smooth and shiny by the hands of countless pilgrims.

In the Qur’an

The meaning of Ashabi-Kahf in Arabic is “the cave possessers”.

Ashabi-Kahf was mentioned in 18th surah of the holy Qur’an “Al-Kahf”. The surah is a parable about a group of young believers who had stood against those who trusted in others, besides Allah and hid themselves inside a cave in order to escape a persecution.

The Qur’an says that number of young believers and the length of their stay is known only to Allah. It also emphasized that it is not the important part of the story, but rather the lessons learned from it.


Natural shelters reminds rooms. There was a spring at the entrance of the cave.

But later this spring was dried up.

The restoration and construction works in “Ashabi-Kahf” was carried in 1998 in accordance with the instructions of Heydar Aliyev, National Leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A mosque was built, road was laid and everything was performed for the good and proper conditions of pilgrims.

Note: Majority of the Area population belongs to Shia Sect