
Beer e Shifa

According to history, our prophet Muhammad ﷺ threw his holy spit into the well, when people complained about the Water, that was dangerous for their cattle. So after that it was known as well of wellness (Shifa)

Ayla, Saudi Arabia

Coordinates: 24.026980, 39.045999

Not to be confused with Beer ar-Rawha, Beer e Shifa is one of the most famous wells of saudi Arabia.

It is located in Ayla, which is approximately 80 kilometers from Madinah.

It is a place where visitors from all over the world come to witness the well.

It is a blissful sight to witness a well that is a miraculous one. The Hajj and Umrah pilgrims make out an effort to see the well. it is one of the highly recommended sites to visit in or near Medinah sharif.

It is said that Beer e Shifa well was dug to assist Muslim travelers. The Muslims who would travel for Hajj and Umrah would get thirsty and required water.

This well was dug, but unfortunately, its water was bitter and unhealthy. People who would drink its water would get ill. Also, its water was way too bitter and salty. Even the animals could not drink water.

Once Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was informed about the bitterness and unhealthiness of water extract from Beer-e-Shifa well.

He ﷺ thereby spat in the water which allowed the water to become sweet and healthy. The water was believed to be poisonous, but now it has become sweet and healthy.

The well is 15-20 meters deep.

Water has healing qualities

The water is served to the sick people so that they get healthy. Water of beer-e-Shifa is blessed water and has healing properties. Those who drink water from it tend to get healthy.

It is said that the well water helps a human being in his blood circulation.

The well water is definitely good for your health and keeps you active. It could also be your source of calcium.

The well water is also very effective in treating various disease, symptoms of abnormalities in the body ehich cause ongoing discomfort and pain. The well water therapy is good for every pain and disease.

Guys manage to take out water with a long rope and bucket.

People even says that the water level has remained the same since 10 years.

How people store the Well Water

There is a motor attached in the well which is used to draw the water from the well.

The tanks outside the well which are used to store draw water from the well.

And there is a man who sell the tank water and earn. People thrown the empty bucket into the well.

Know This

Beer-e-Shifa is around 97 km far from the Masjid al Nabawi.

If you are traveling from Madinah sharif to Jeddah through the route where the battle of Badr took place, you can easily visit this well.