
Category | Babylon & Nineveh

Harut and Marut Landing place

When magic became widespread practice among the Jews, Allah sent two angels Harut and Marut as a trial and test for the people - to the kingdom of Babylon, which was situated between two rivers, the tigris and the...

Tower of Babel

The Babylonians wanted to build a mighty city and a tower “with its top in the heavens.” Allah disrupted the work by so confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another. The city...

Great Ziggurat of Ur

The Ziggurat was a piece in a temple complex that served as an administrative center for the city, and which was a shrine of the moon false god Nanna

Ishtar Gate

Eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon, Ishtar Gate was constructed by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II which was grand walled processional way leading into the city. Its function was to awe visitors with the power and...

Lion of Babylon

An ancient Babylonian symbol, the Lion of Babylon represented the King of Babylon. Based on the Mesopotamian lion, which used to roam in the region, It also represents Ishtar, false goddess of fertility, love and war


A religious edifice in honour of the local false god Nabu, Borsippa was an important ancient city of Sumer southwest of Babylon on the east bank of the Euphrates

Nineveh (Nimrod City)

Once the largest city in the world for approximately fifty years, Nineveh gradually fell to ruins after a bitter period of civil war. The city was never again a political or administrative centre and was mostly...

Nimrod Fortress

A reminder of the Bloody Crusades, this castle is named after biblical king Nimrod who, according to local stories, made his home on this mountain in northern Golan