
Dome of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

Commonly believed to mark the spot from where Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led all the prophets in prayer during the night of Isra and Mi’raj

Jerusalem, Palestine

Coordinates: 31.778139, 35.235086

Known as Qubbat an-Nabi in arabic, The Prophet’s Dome is an octagonal dome located northwest of the Dome of the Rock.

In 945 AH/1538-1539CE, Mohammad Bek, the governor of Gaza and Jerusalem during the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent’s reign, built a niche on this location to mark the place where Muslims believe Prophet Mohammad ﷺ led the prophets and angels in prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque on the night of Al-Isra’ wa Al-Mi’raj.

The Ottoman emperor Abdul Al-Majid bin Mahmoud II ordered the building of an octagonal dome that is based on eight marble columns over the niche.

Several Muslim writers, most notably al-Suyuti and al-Vasıti claimed that the site of the dome is where Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led the former prophets and angels in prayer on the night of Isra and Mir’aj before ascending to Heaven.

The ancient mihrab is made of a white marble slab embedded in the floor and surrounded by red-colored stones and subsequently delimited by a low wall, that traditionally opened in the north to allow entrance of Muslim believers heading southward to Mecca in Muslim prayers.