Syria and Jordan
Grave in Syria (Real Authentic burial Site)
Coordinates: 33.503920, 36.303411
Grave in Amman
Coordinates: 31.961608, 35.799165
One of the most illustrious names in the Islamic history, Hz. Bilal رضي الله عنه is an evident story of Islam’s respect for human equality, anti-racism and social equity
Situated close to the Umayyad Mosque, Bab al-Saghir cemetery contains the graves of several eminent Sahabah, members of Ahl e Bait and many prominent Awliya allah and Scholars making it the third most Sacred Cemetery...
Famous well which was utilized frequently by the Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, It is currently indicated on a tile inside the King Fahad Expansion of Masjid Al-Nabawi
A Great companion of Dear Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and later one of the successful commanders of Rashidin army and served under the Rashidin Caliphs Hz. Abu Bakr As Siddiq رضي الله عنه and Hz. Umar Al Khattab رضي الله عنه. He...
Built to be on the site which was, a long time ago, the house of Hz. Ali bin Abi Talib عليه اسلام
Not much remains of the original house but nevertheless, this is the exact spot where Imam Ali عليه اسلام with Ahl-e-bayt lived, a site not to be missed in your visit Kufa
Once the house of Imam Bukhari رحمة الله عليه stood here from where he used engage himself in writing the famous Sahih Bukhari
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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