
Jabal al-Maqla and Jabal al-Lawz

Most likely location of Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, physical evidence is scattered around untouched by men for thousands of years

Saudi Arabia

Jabla Maqla

Jabal Al-Lawz


Jabal al Lawz
28.655216, 35.305833

Jabal Maqla
28.596868, 35.335550

First Heading

Jabal al-Maqla and Jabal al-Lawz

Jabal Maqla is a mountain located in northwest Saudi Arabia, near the Jordan border, above the Gulf of Aqaba, and is located in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

Maqla is one of the tallest mountains in the Arabian Peninsula and the estimated terrain elevation is around 2,326 metres (7,631 feet) ASL.

Jabal al-Lawz means ‘mountain of almonds’. The peak of Jabal al-Lawz, consists of a light-colored, calc-alkaline granite that is intruded by rhyolite and andesite dikes which generally trend eastward.

These two mountains are considered by some modern scholars (and also by locals) to be the place of biblical Mount Sinai


The Doubting Thomas Research Foundation has conducted in-person research at Jabal Maqla in Saudi Arabia to examine the evidence. At this time, they believe that this is the most likely location for Mount Sinai.

Jabal Maqla is sometimes described as a peak on the mountain range of Jabal al-Lawz in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Others refer to Jabal Maqla as an independent mountain.

Supporters of the Jabal Maqla/Jabal al-Lawz candidacy point to a multitude of topographical features that match the Biblical description of Mount Sinai, as well as archaeological findings in recent decades that appear to match what is described in the book of Exodus.

The findings have been argued to match the golden calf worship site, the altar and 12 pillars constructed by Hz. Musa عليه اسلام at the foot of the mountain, inscriptions of allegedly proto-Hebrew authorship, and other findings along with a possible route from the Red Sea Crossing to the mountain.

Advocates of this candidacy point to a split rock along a possible northern route to the mountain that arguably matches the story in Quran where Allah instructed Hz. Musa عليه اسلام to strike a rock, causing streams of water to pour out as a water source for the thirsty Israelites.

There is also a location that proponents argue is a match for Elim with its 12 wells and palms.

Researchers who support Jabal Maqla as Mount Sinai disagree over the exact spot where the Red Sea Crossing is said to have taken place.

The most favored candidate is Egypt’s Nuweiba Beach, followed by the Straits of Tiran by Sharm el-Sheikh at the bottom of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

In practical terms it would be hard to impossible to falsify large tracts of land. No one would have invested such time and effort to “create” this place in the hope that hundreds or thousands of years later people might think this was the original site.

As it stands it would appear this location did have water at one point and the capacity to live on it.

Know This

It is not difficult to find the real Mt. Sinai but very risky to approach there because the area is not open to visitors.

After 15~ 20 minutes driving from the entrance signboard, showing the direction to Al Lawz, installed beside High way, you will see another unpaved and uneven road on the left side of main road.

To go to Mt. Sinai, you should turn to the unpaved road. If you keep on driving along the paved main road, you will arrive at Army base stationed on one side of range of Jebel Al Lawz.

After you drive about for 1 hour along electrical concrete poles erected on the roadside from the starting point of the unpaved road, you can see the black peak of mountain.

That is the Jabal Maqla. From there you must be careful not to be arrested by soldiers or by any secret policeman. There is a village and an army camp.

During lunch time the local people usually rest or sleep due to very hot weather. Before you travel, refer to Google Map to study the location of Golden Calf Altar, Elijah Cave and Grave yard.