Medinah Sharif, Saudi Arabia
Coordinates: 24.467207, 39.611147
Pulpit of Masjid al-Nabawwi ﷺ
Some old models depicting how Masjid an-Nabawwi was transformed over the ages
According to tradition this is the house of famous tabain who was among the seven famous jurist of his time in Medinah sharif
It's now covered by a bookcase now, The Mehrab e Tahajjud in Masjid al-Nabawwi is the location of where our master and Prophet ﷺ used to perform Tahajjud
Interesting museum that was once an old railway station, It gives you a glimpse of how people of Medinah used to live along the pre and after-islam era. It also provides a good generic information about the prophet ﷺ...
Also knows as "Tree of Boqei'aweih", under which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is believed to have sat and rested as a boy, when travelling with his uncle to Syria
Some images of models depicting the transformation of the sacred chamber, the holiest shrine in the world throughout the ages
Ummah of our Dear Prophet ﷺ today is in despair and confusion. We are the biggest victims of the atrocities that are done throughout the world and yet we are called culprits. And the biggest reason for this is that we have forgotten our roots, our great history through which we conquered not just lands but hearts. Our aim is not only to talk about history but to relive it and for this reason alone we are creating this website. Have a nice browsing 🙂
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