
Residence of Imam al-Ghazali in Haram ash-Sharif

The whole structure is also known as Bab al-Rahmah, where the famous Islamic scholar Imam al-Ghazali lived in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Palestine

Coordinates: 31.778887, 35.236799

Imam al-Ghazali is arguably the most influential scholar in Islamic History.

There are 457 works that are attributed to his pen but his magnum opus is the Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din (‘The Revival of Religious Sciences’), one of the most widely-read books in Islam.

Al-Ghazali is also known for his Al- Risalah al-Maqdisiyah (‘The Jerusalem Epistle’), which he wrote in Jerusalem, a city with which he had a profound connection.

It was in Jerusalem that al-Ghazali undertook his famed khalwah seclusion and where he had the most fruitful period of his life, writing and teaching in the Holy al-Aqsa Mosque.

This structure on the eastern wall of Holy al-Aqsa Mosque is said to be the place where he stayed and taught.

The whole structure is also knows as Bab al-Rahmah. It is the other side of the Golden Gate.