
Tel Dothan

This site is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in connection with the history of Hz. Yusuf عليه اسلام and Hz. Al-Yasaa عليه اسلام (Prophet Elisha)

West Bank, Palestine

Coordinates: 32.413528, 35.239861

This is another place where, according to Jewish sources, Hz. Yusuf عليه اسلام was thrown into a well and later sold to a caravan goint to Egypt.

Dothan (also Dotan) was a location mentioned twice in the bible.

It has been identified with Tel Dothan, also known as Tel al-Hafireh, located adjacent to the Palestinian town of Bir al-Basha.


Dothan is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in connection with the history of Hz. Yusuf عليه اسلام, as the place in which the sons of Hz. Yaqub عليه اسلام had moved their sheep and sold Hz. Yusuf عليه اسلام to the Ishmaelite merchants.

Also connected to Hz. Al-Yasaa عليه اسلام (Prophet Elisha)

It later appears as the residence of Hz. Al-Yasaa عليه اسلام (2 Kings 6:13) and the scene of a vision of chariots and horses of fire surrounding the mountain on which the city stood

Note: This site is strictly according to Jewish sources so be wary about it.