
Diyarbakir 🇹🇷 Maqams List

Reasons for creating this List

  1. To showcase all the Ziyarat locations that we currently have related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic or Hadithic Places in Diyarbakir, Turkey.
  2. Inspire people to go through the list and submit those maqams that are not listed here (Maqams related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic Place or any other historically significant site that you deem fit for this website)
  3. You can submit the maqams on this website or to any of the two Telegram groups. Submission forms are not available right now. Check out the Submit page to know more.

Note: Some of the information available in this list might not be correct. This is the reason why we'll be travelling to each and every maqams listed here to know the story.

When the travel is completed in Diyarbakir, all the updated information will be re-uploaded on the exact page again i.e. And the announcement will be made on Instagram and Telegram group that Diyarbakir page is finally finished and open for safe browsing. Before that happens, some of the information provided on the country’s list might not be correct (historically).

~ Holy Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ ~

Sacred Relics Our Dear Prophet ﷺ in Diyarbakir

Isik family in Lice

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Nakipoglu family

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sakali Serif

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

~ Prophetic Sites ~

Ergani Prophetic Sites

Enüş Peygamber Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Zülkifl peygamber makamı on Mount makami

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Egil Prophetic Sites

First Three Sites

Danyal Aleyhisselam (Peygamber)

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz Yunus a.s aka Nebizünun Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Prophet Hallak Aleyhisselam

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Rest of the Prophetic Sites

Hz Harun İ Asefi r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Nebi Harut a.s

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Tomb of Prophet Dhul Kifl عليه اسلام in Diyarbakır

Having Literal meaning “Possessor of the Fold”, What we know about him is that Prophet Dhul Kifl عليه اسلام was a righteous man and ‘company of the good’ who was also extremely patient. This is based off two mentions of...

Nebi Omar (Ibn Pir-i Can)

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

~ More Prophetic Sites ~

Sites related to Hz Musa a.s in Diyarbakir

Birkleyn Caves

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Great Mosque of Diyarbakır

One of the oldest and most significant mosques in Mesopotamia, Great Mosque of Diyarbakır was built following the Muslim capture of Diyarbakir in 639 during the reign of the second Caliph Hz. Umar رضي الله عنه

Alleged Village and Spring related to Hz Musa a.s

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Two Sites Related to Hz Yunus a.s in Diyarbakir

Yunus Peygamberin Oğlu

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Another grave of Hz Yunis a.s in Fis kaya

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

~ Sahabas Sites in Diyarbakir ~

Sahabas sites in Main Diyarbakir

27 Sahabe Mausoleum mosque near Prophet suleyman a.s

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Ebul Muhsin Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz Suleiman r.a (son of Hz.Halid bin Waleed r.a)

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Abu Mucin r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Malik-i Ejder r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Mir Sayyaf r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sultan Secaeddin in Hz omar mosque

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sultan Suç’a r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hindlî Baba Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sarı Saltug Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sheikh Mutahhar Mosque and Four-Legged Minaret

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Not found in main diyarbakir

Grave of Hz Abdurrahman r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sultan Saad r.a

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sultan Sa’saa Tomb

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Tomb of Brother of Imam ali a.s

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sahabas Sites in Diyarbakir Central

Anıl, hani

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Balım – 40 Companions

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...


Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Dereli, hani

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Kalecik (Amini) village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Karpuztepe Companions

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...


Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sahabas Sites in Diyarbakir Eastern

Kayacik village in kulp district

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Commander of Hz Muaz Bin Cebel Türbesi

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Ulu Cami – Hz Cafer-i Tayyar r.a Tomb

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Ziyaret Tepe Höyüğü

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Old cemetery of Silvan

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sahabas Sites in Diyarbakir Western

Agachan Cermik Village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Alitas Village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Azıklı village (one companion)

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Bozyer village (two companions)

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Incehidir Village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Kesentas Village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Martyr Companions of Ergani Castle

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Otluca village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Selman Village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...


Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Usluca village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

~Awliya Allah~

Amazing Stories of Awliyas in Diyarbakir

A 1200 years old minaret in Aktepe village

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Ankuza baba turbesi at the top of hill

Elazig, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Arab Mosque and the Tomb of the Father

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Kirklar mountain

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...