
House of Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه

These ruins are said to be on the site where it is said that Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه lived during his life in Medinah Sharif

Medinah Sharif, Saudi Arabia

Coordinates: 24.444708, 39.631510

These ruins are said to be the house in which Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه lived when he lived in Medinah sharif.

These ruins are on the way if you go to Garden of Salman al-Farsi رضي الله عنه

The ruins are fenced because people from both sects (Sunni and shia) came here to pay their respects every year on their way to the garden.

Beside the ruin of the house, there is a well about which it is said that Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه used to drink water from that well.

Story about a mule

These is an interesting story about a mule who used to be in service of Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه.

He used to do all kinds of chores that a mule is supposed to do with great care and love for Imam.

It is said that after Imam Zain ul Abedin رضي الله عنه passed away, the mule was sad that he couldn’t bear the pain of being seperated from his master.

It is said that the mule jumped off in the well and died because of his despair.