
Other Walls of Haram ash-Sharif

Eastern, Southern and Northern Walls of Haram ash-Sharif Complex

Jerusalem, Palestine

Eastern Wall

Southern Wall

Northern Wall

Southern Wall

It is at the southern end of the Haram al-Sharif. Major points of interest include the Al-Aqsa Mosque & Umayyad Palace. The enormous retaining wall is built of enormous blocks of Jerusalem stone, and finely fitted together without any mortar.

Eastern Wall

The Eastern Wall is an ancient structure part of the eastern side of the city wall of Jerusalem. Parts of the eastern wall of Haram ash-Sharif belong to several eras of history dating as far back as to the time Hezekiah’s reign. Major points of interest include, (from south-north), as-Sirat Marker, masonry features, Golden Gate, Bab al-Rehmah cemetery.

Northern Wall

Today it is not an actual wall, rather a series of buildings constructed along the northern flank of the Haram ash-Sharif. Remains of the actual northern wall of the Mount, together with the northern section of the western wall, is hidden behind residential buildings. The total lenght of the northern wall is about 315 meters.