Shabwa, Yemen
Coordinates: 15.369000, 47.027300
Nearby Places
- Al hajarayn, Old villages of Wadi Hadhramaut 141.29 Km E (84°)
- Old villages of Wadi Dawan 142.13 Km E (83°)
- Ruins of Old Ma’rib (Unesco, tentative) 180.14 Km W (271°)
The ancient city of Shabwa was the capital of Hadhramaut in the South Arabian region of the Arabian Peninsula. The city’s ruins are located in the north of the modern Shabwah Governorate of the Republic of Yemen. Shabwa was first settled in 13th century BC and was destroyed by the Himyarites at the end of the 3rd century AD. Within the walls of the city are the remains of:
The royal palace named Shugair
The temple of goddess Sian Dhu Aleen
Shabwa Museum
The museum contains essential items related to the prehistoric heritage of the area and contains many items unearthed. In particular, it contains relics from the ancient city of Shabwa, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Hadhramaut and objects excavated from the archaeological sites of the ancient Qataban and Osan kingdom.
Image Sources
By BluesyPete – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Giuseppe Menzio
Screenshot (296)
Muhammad Bakhdar
Screenshot (297)
Kelly Cheng