
Al-Mahdi Mosque

One of the historical mosques in the historic old city of Sana’a, Yemen. It forms a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site Old City of Sana’a

Sana’a, Yemen

Coordinates: 15.352940, 44.208717

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The Mosque of the Dome of the Mahdi or Al-Mahdi Mosque (Arabic: جامع قبة المهدي‎) is one of the historical mosques in the historic old city of Sana’a, Yemen. It’s a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site Old City of Sana’a. It is located in the Al-Kareem Al-Mahdi neighbourhood in the western Sarar district. It was built in 1651 by order of Imam Mahdi Abbas bin Mansour. The tomb was built after the death of Imam Mahdi Abbas in 1768.

Al-Mahdi Abbas (1719 – 4 September 1775)

He was the Imam of Yemen who ruled in 1748–1775. He belonged to the Qasimid family, descended from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which dominated the Zaidi imamate of Yemen in 1597–1962.

According to his younger contemporary, the renowned scholar Muhammad ash-Shawkani, al-Mahdi Abbas possessed an excellent character, being intelligent, diplomatic, committed and just, with a good disposition to scholars. He abolished several cases of abuse that occurred before his reign, such as irregular impositions. Among the Qasimid imams, he appears to have come closest to the Zaidi ideal of the imam as a pious and generous warrior-king.

He was zaidi Imam of the Shia Community


Image Sources

Screenshot (110)
hanming huang

Screenshot (109)
Steven KUO


Screenshot (111)
Gerard Eder

By Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia – Mosque, Sanaá, Yemen, CC BY-SA 2.0,

By Bernard Gagnon – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,