
Dome of Sulaiman

Believed to be named in honour of the Prophet Sulaymaan عليه اسلام, inside of it is a small rock displayed, believed to be a piece taken from the Holy Rock of Ascension

Jerusalem, Palestine

Coordinates: 31.778230, 35.235555

This dome is located in the northern part of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the southwest of the Gate of Darkness.

It is believed that it was first built during the Umayyad era.

It was rebuilt and renovated during the Ayoubi era since it is similar in characteristics to the Ayoubi Dome of Ascension.

Some people say it was named in tribute to Prophet Suleiman عليه اسلام, while others believe it was named after its original founder, the Umayyad Caliph Suleiman bin Abdul Malek.

The dome is octagonal and based on 24 marble columns; inside of it a small rock is displayed, believed to be a piece taken from the Holy Rock of Ascension, which is why it was protected by an iron fence in the past.

The dome has a niche pointing towards the Qibla, and a small entrance on the north. Today, the building is used as headquarters for female preachers in the Jerusalem Waqf Directorate.