Socotra Island, Yemen
Coordinates: 12.572222, 54.028333
Nearby Places
- Hajhir Mountains 0.84 Km W (284°)
- Hadiboh, coastal town in Socotra 8.70 Km N (351°)
- Socotra Airport 14.61 Km NW (295°)
- Delisha Beach 16.89 Km NE (40°)
Skand is one of the primary peak of Hajhir mountain famous among trekkers.
Know This
So if you consider trekking to Skand, estimate your fitness level realistically. Those well fit or experienced in trekking will not find this too hard. But if you have any mobility problems, better give it up.
Image Sources
By CElliott – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Stefan geens, some