
Egypt 🇪🇬 Maqams List

Reasons for creating this List

  1. To showcase all the Ziyarat locations that we currently have related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic or Hadithic Places in Afghanistan.
  2. Inspire people to go through the list and submit those maqams that are not listed here (Maqams related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic Place or any other historically significant site that you deem fit for this website)

Note: Some of the information available in this list might not be correct. This is the reason why we'll be travelling to each and every maqams listed here to know the story InshAllah

Sacred Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ

Holy Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ in Egypt

Athar an Nabi ﷺ

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 29...

Holy Relics & Al-Hussein Mosque

Mosque believed to be built on the site where, acc. to Shia muslims, Head of Imam Hussein رضي الله عنه is buried. It also house some of the holy relics of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his sahabas and the Oldest complete...

Sacred Footprint in Ahmad al-Badawi r.a mosque

Tanta, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Sacred Footprint in Ibrahim al-Dasuqi r.a mosque

Desouk, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 31...

Umm muhatul Momineen r.a Site

House of mother of faithful Bibi Maria al-Qibtiyya r.a

El Sheikh Ebada, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Quranic and Hadithic Places

Body of Firawn Ramses II

Believed to be the Firawn in the time of Hz. Musa (عليه السلام), his mummy is preserved and is currently on display in the Royal Mummies Chamber in The Grand Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Qasr Qaroon

Close to Western edge of Lake Qaroon in Fayoum, Egypt, Qasr Qaroon marks the original location of the ancient town of Dionysias, where is it said Qaroon once lived

Edifice of Haman in Luxor

Luxor, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 25...

Holy Family in Egypt

Sites related to Hz Isa a.s and Holy Family

Theatre at Pelusium

North Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Tel Basta Church Remains

Zagazig, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. DCF 1.0...

Historical Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Mostorod

Mostorod, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Daqadus Church

Daqadus, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha

Sakha, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 31...

El Hamra Lake in Wadi el Natroun

Wadi Natroun, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

The convent of St. George (Mar Girgis)

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary in Maadi

Maadi, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 29...

Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Deir Jernos

Bani Mazar, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. SONY...

Well in Bahnasa

Bahnasa, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Jebel Tayr, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Minya, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Well of Hz Isa aka Beer El-Sahaba

Bani Hasan, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. SONY DSC...

Buq – Church of Archangel Mikhail trumpet

Buq, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 27...

Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Muharraq)

Muharraq, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Monastery of the Virgin Mary in Mount Assiut

Assuit, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. SONY DSCSONY...

Other Prophetic Sites

Sites Related to Other Prophets in Egypt

Tomb of Hz. Luqman عليه اسلام

Also known as Luqman The Wise, Luqman al-Hakeem, Hz. Luqman عليه اسلام was a wise man for whom Surat Luqman, the thirty-first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an, was named. Luqman (c. 1100 BC) is believed to be from Africa...

~ Hz Yusuf a.s ~

Sites Related to Hz. Yusuf a.s

Palace of Al-Aziz the minister

Al Azizeyah, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

The basin of Zuleykha the wife of al-aziz

Al Azizeyah, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

The Dream of the Pharoah and Famine Steele

Aswan, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 24...

Places Where Hz Yusuf a.s might have lived

Multiple Sites Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Kom Aushin...

Prison Sites of Hz Yusuf a.s in Egypt

Prison associated to Hz Yusuf a.s near Saqqara ruins

Saqqara, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

El-Shaikh Ebada Prison of Hz Yusuf a.s

El-Shaikh el-Ebada, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Wheat Silos during the Great Famine

Giant Silo Just before Edfu

Edfu, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 25...

Silo in El salam, Belbes

Belbes, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Minya Al Qamh silos

Minya al Qamh, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Silo in Mit-Rahineh,

Mit Rahineh, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Silo near Ramesseum Temple Ruins

Al Asasif, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Tell Edfu Excavation Sites

Edfu, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 24...

Brothers of Hz Yusuf a.s in Egypt

Tombs of Brothers of Yusuf a.s in Egypt

Graves near Ibn Lulu mosque

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Alleged Burial site in Khalifa Cairo

El-Khalifa – Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for...

Graves in El-Darb El Ahmar, Cairo

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Debunking the Myths

Can Imhotep be considered Prophet Yusuf

Saqqara, Egypt

Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates.

Who was the ‘King’ at the time of Hz. Yusuf a.s

Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 27.6445, 30...

~ Hz. Musa a.s ~

Hz. Musa a.s sites outside Sinai region

El Tod site relevance with Hz Musa a.s

El Tod, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 25...

Legends of Bilbeis and the Land of Goshen

Bilbeis, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ Sahabas in Egypt ~

Burial Sites of Sahabas in Cairo

Tomb of Hz. Amr ibn al As رضي الله عنه

A wealthy member of the Banu Sahm clan of the important tribe of Quraysh, Hz. Amr ibn al As رضي الله عنه accepted Islam in 629–630 and was Sent to Oman, in southeastern Arabia, by Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, he successfully...

Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Amr Ibn Al-Aas r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Sayyidina Sariya Al-Jabal r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Hz. Malik al-Ashtar رضي الله عنه

One of the most loyal companions of Hz. Ali Ibn Abi Talib رضي الله عنه, Hz. Malik al-Ashtar رضي الله عنه was the cousin of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He became a Muslim during the time of the Prophet ﷺ and since then...

Hz Hamza al Ansari r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Alleged tomb of Hz Muaz bin Jabal r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Hz Muslima bin Makhlid Al-Ansari r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Mass Graves Sites of Sahabas - Bahnasa, Bilbeis & Al-Mokattam

Martyred Sahabas Cemetery in Bahnasa

Al Bahnasa, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sadat Qoraish Mosque and the struggle of Sahabas

Belbes, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Kafr Al Mashhad – Al Katiba – Sharqia

Belbes, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Cemetery of Al-Qarafa in Mokattam

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Two Burial Sites of Hz. Muhammad bin abi bakr r.a

Reverence Shrine or Maqams of Sahabas in Egypt

Alleged Tomb of Hz Abu hurairah r.a in Giza

Giza, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Alleged Tomb of Hz Abu Dardaa r.a in Alexandria

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sahabas in Alexandria

Kom Nadura Sahabas burial site

Alexanderia, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Maqam of Tabain Abd al-Rahman ibn Hormuz r.a

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

More Sahabas Sites in Egypt

Hz. Al-Qaqa’a bin Amru Al-Tameemy رضي الله عنه

Known to be a spirited warrior, Hz. Abu Bakr al-Sideeq رضي الله عنه narrated that the voice of Hz. Qaqa’a (رضي الله عنه) on the battlefield was ‘more effective than one thousand men’. He was a man remaining firm with...

Hz Abdullah bin harith r.a

Tanta, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Sayyidina Muhammad Abu Attab r.a

Ulilah, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Hz Abdullah Bin salam r.a in Port Said

Port Said, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Grave of grandson of Hz Khalid bin waleed r.a

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Alleged grave of Hz Tamim ad Dari r.a

Daqados, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Kafr Al Muqdam & Tal al Muqdam village

Mit Ghamr, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Alleged site in Kafr El-Sheikh, Burullus

Burullus, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Street named after Hz Ibn sander r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Mosques being the Maqams of Sahabas

Al Omari mosque in Qus

Qus, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 25...

Another Al-Omari mosque

Ashmun, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

~ Alexander in Egypt ~

Finding the Tomb of Alexander

Attarine Mosque

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Rooftop of mosque of Tomb of Hz Luqman a.s

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Square in Alexandria

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

~ Ahl e Bayt ~

Ahl e Bayt Sites in Cairo

Al Ashraf Street also called as Ahl e bayt road

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Sayyida Sakina bint Al-Husayn r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Sayyidina Al-Hasan Al-Anwar r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

The Tomb of Sidi Muhammad Abi Al-Anwar r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

The shrine of Lady Fatima Al-Aina bint Al-Qasim r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

~ Awliya Allah ~

Great Awliyas of Misr

Bibi Rabia Basri r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

Hz. Abu’l Hasan al-Shadhili Rehmatullah alaih

A great Moroccan saint and the founder of the Shadhili order, Hz. Abu'l Hasan al-Shadhili رحمة الله عليه wrote several devotional recitations, prayers and letters, some of which remain today. One of the best known poems...

Hz. Ahmad al-Badawi Rehmatullah alaih

Also known as the Shaykh of the Arabs, Hz. Sayyidina Ahmad al-Badawi رحمة الله عليه is a great sufi master who traces his lineage back to Imam al-Husayn (عليه اسلام)

Hz. Ibrahim al-Dasuqi Rehmatullah alaih

Regarded as one of the four biggest Qutbs of the world, Hz. Ibrahim al-Dasuqi رحمة الله عليه showed signs of wilayat from his birth as he would not take his mother’s milk during the fasting times in the month of Ramadan

Hz. Dhul-Nun al-Misri Rehmatullah alaih

Great Egyptian Sufi, Hz. Dhul-Nun al-Misri رحمة الله عليه was considered among the most prominent figures of early Sufism and holds a position in the Sufi chronicles as high as Hz. Junaid al-Baghdadi رحمة الله عليه

Hz. Sidi Omar Ibn al-Farid Rehmatullah alaih

One of the greatest Egyptian mystic poets, To this day Hz. Sidi Omar Ibn al-Farid's رحمة الله عليه poems still read beautifully, including his masterpiece The Sufi Way, which is also the longest mystic poem ever written

Hz Abdur rehman al Qenaaye r.a

Qena, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 26...

Tomb of Sidi Ibn Ata Allah r.a

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

The ashraaf of Alexandria

Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque

Dedicated to 13th century Muslim saint Hz. Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi رحمة الله عليه, This Mosque is highly influenced by Egypt's Old Cairo buildings and architecture

Sayyidina Makeenudeen Al-Asmar r.a

Alexandria, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. OLYMPUS...

Great Scholars of Egypt

Tomb of Imam Shafii رحمة الله عليه

Founder of Shafi'i Islamic of Law, he was Born in Gaza, Palestine in 150 AH, the same year as Hz. Imam Abu Hanifa passing away. Thus, the same year a leading scholar of fiqh passed away, a child was born who would go on...

Tomb of Hz. Jalaluddin al-Suyuti r.a

Son of a judge, Hz. Jalaluddin al-Suyuti رحمة الله عليه was an Egyptian writer and teacher whose works deal with a wide variety of subjects, the Islamic religious sciences. His works number more than 500, famous being...

Fatima bint saad al Khayr great women scholar

Cairo, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 30...

~ Sinai ~

~ Quranic Places ~

Mount Sinai – Is it in Egypt or Saudi?

Egypt & Saudi Arabia

Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates.

~ Mount Sinai ~

All Prophetic Maqamaats around Mount Sinai

Jabal Musa in South Sinai

Sacred to both Muslims and Christians, this mount is said to the place where Hz. Musa عليه اسلام talked to Allah and recieved 10 commandments

Site of Golden Calf

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Spring of Hz Ilyas a.s (Elijah)

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Hajar Ayoon Musa a.s

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Alleged Cave associated to Hz Musa a.s on mount sinai

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 15...

Wadi Al Arbaeen

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Saint Catherine

Valley of Tuwa and the Burning Bush

Site where it is said that Hz. Musa عليه اسلام first talked to Allah and recieved his prophethood and was given the mission to go to Egypt

More Places Related to Hz Musa a.s in Sinai

Spring of Hz Musa a.s in Saudi Arab

Magna, Saudi Arabia Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Places Related to Other Prophet near Mount Sinai

Maqam of Hz Idris a.s near Saint Catherine

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...

Alleged shrine of Hz Saleh a.s shrine in Sinai

Sinai, Egypt Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 28...