
Turkey 🇹🇷 Maqams List

Reasons for creating this List

  1. To showcase all the Ziyarat locations that we currently have related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic or Hadithic Places in Turkey.
  2. Inspire people to go through the list and submit those maqams that are not listed here (Maqams related to Prophets, Sahabas & Quranic Place or any other historically significant site that you deem fit for this website)
  3. You can submit the maqams on this website or to any of the two Telegram groups. Submission forms are not available right now. Check out the Submit page to know more.

Note: Some of the information available in this list might not be correct. This is the reason why we'll be travelling to each and every maqams listed here to know the story.

When the travel is completed in Turkey, all the updated information will be re-uploaded on the exact page again i.e. And the announcement will be made on Instagram and Telegram group that Lebanon country page is finally finished and open for safe browsing. Before that happens, some of the information provided on the country’s list might not be correct (historically).

~ Holy Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ ~

Sacred Relics Our Dear Prophet ﷺ in Istanbul

Hırka-i Şerif Mosque

Given as a gift to Hz. Uwais al-Qarani (رضي الله عنه), Hırka-i Şerif Mosque mosque house the holy mantle of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Sacred Relics Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ in Diyarbakir

Isik family in Lice

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Nakipoglu family

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sakali Serif

Diyarbakir, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sacred Relics of Our Prophet ﷺ in Rest of the Turkey

Holy relics in Somuncha Baba Turbesi

Darende, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Qadamunn Nabi Mosque and madrasa

Mardin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Dream of the sultan & Sulaymaniya Mosque

Istanbul, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ Quranic Places ~

Location of the Two seas & Hz Khidr a.s main maqam

Antakya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Cave and Well of Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام

Also knows as Sabir Makam, Cave of Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام is where he, while suffering from leprosy, laid in patience with his wife and prayed to Allah to make him healthy, which in due time was granted. Also there is the...

~ Ashab-e-Kahf Sites in Turkey ~

Ashab al-Kahf Cave in Tarsus

Also knows as Eshab-ı Kehf Mağarası in turkish, this cave is one of the four caves in Turkey that claims to be the original cave of Ashab al-Kahf, others being Esphesus, Diyarbakir & Kahramanmaraş

Ashab al-Kahf Kulliyesi

It is one of the four caves in Turkey that claims to be the original cave of Ashab al-Kahf, others being Mersin, Diyarbakir & Esphesus

Ashab al-Kahf Cave in Lice

Also knows as Lice Ashâb-ı Kehf Mağarası in Turkish, it is one of the four caves in Turkey that claims to be the original cave of Ashab al-Kahf, others being Mersin, Kahramanmaraş & Esphesus

Dakyanus castle

Lice, Diyarbakir – Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for...

~ Prominent Prophetic Sites ~

Sites related to Hz Nuh a.s in Turkey

Mount Ararat

Boasting 2 volcanic peaks, this snow-capped mountain is the country's largest & considered sacred as legend says that Ark of Hz. Nuh عليه اسلام rested here

Mount Judi

Where according to Islamic traditions Ark of Hz. Nuh عليه اسلام rested after the great deluge

Nuh Peygamber Ziyareti Tepe

Cizre, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Durupınar site of the ship

Natural rock formation in Turkey, locals claim that a nearby mountain is Mount Judi which is listed in the Qur’an as being the final resting place of Ark of Hz. Nuh عليه اسلام. An interesting coincidence that this site...

Places related to Hz Ibrhim a.s in Turkey

Haran, City of Hz. Ibrahim عليه اسلام

Harran is most famous for its links to the story of the Hz. Ibrahim عليه اسلام and receives a mention in the Jewish sacred texts as the place where Hz. Ibrahim عليه اسلام and his tribe stayed for several years on his...

Pool of Sacred Fish (Balikli Gol)

Place where Hz. Ibrahim عليه اسلام was cast into fire by Emperor Nimrod, Pool of Sacred Fish (Balikli Gol) is a great pool by the mosque and a very nice clean park where people come with their families to hang out

~ Hz ISA a.s and Bibi Maryam r.a ~

Places related to Bibi Maryam r.a in Turkey

Ancient Christian Church of Virgin Mary

Selcuk, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Meryem Ana Makamı

Antakya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Places related to Hz ISA a.s in Turkey

Ulu Camii

One of the oldest mosque of anatolia, Ulu mosque in Sanlıurfa is said to be containing a well in which miraculous handkerchief having a portait of Hz. Isa عليه اسلام was thrown in the well

Sites related to the Apostles of Hz ISA a.s in Turkey

Church of St Peter r.a in Antakya

Antakya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Tomb of Saint John the Apostle رضي الله عنه

On top of the hill looking over the small town of Selcuk and great views over the farming landscape, this Basilica in Ephesus is said to be built on the burial site of grave of Saint John the Apostle رضي الله عنه


7 Churches of Apocalypse

Multiple sites Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Ephesus...

Cave of the Apocalypse

Patmos, Greece Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

The Temple of Artemis

Selcuk, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Santa Claus in Turkey

St. Nicholas Church and burial place

Demre, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 15...

Santa Harabeleri Greek Orthodox Ruins

Trabzon, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ More Prophetic Sites ~

List of Random Prophetic Maqams in Turkey

Hz Musa a.s Tree in Hatay

Antakya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Nabi Idris a.s Maqam in hatay

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Tomb of Hz. Yusha عليه اسلام (Joshua) in Istanbul

According to Muslim scholars Hz. Yusha عليه اسلام was the leader of the faithful following the death of Hz. Musa عليه اسلام. Some also believe him to be the "attendant" of Hz. Musa عليه اسلام mentioned in the Quran...

Hazreti Üzeyr Peygamber Türbesi

Golberan, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Yusha a.s and Pir safa

Gaziantep, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Nebi Yahya Nebi Hamza Türbesi

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Debunking the Myths

Four Lesser Known Prophetic sites in Turkey

Alleged tomb of Hz Cercis a.s

Cinarli, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Alleged tomb of Hz Sam a.s

Aksaray, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Alleged tomb of Hz Sam’un Nebi a.s

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Zülküfl Peygamber’in Makamı

Biltis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Prophetic sites in Tarsus

Hz Lokman hakim Turbesi – Tarsus

Tarsus, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Şit a.s – Makam – Tarsus

Tarsus, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Two Maqams related to Hz Yunus a.s in Turkey

Nebi Yunus Ibn Mette ve miğfer el yemin, B2

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Nebi Yunus Makamı in hatay, C3

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

~ Hz Khidr a.s Maqams ~

Maqams of Hz Khidr a.s in Hatay

ElFathiha hz. Khizr a.s, B2

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hazreti Hıdır Makamı Türbesi, C3

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hazreti Hızır Aleyhüsselam Türbesi, D4

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

HIDIR BEY AĞACI and aabe hayat cameisi

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz. Hıdır Makami J8

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz.Hıdır Elşafe A.S. (Makamı), E5

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Khidr a.s makami (Hıdır Türbesi), A1

Iskenderun, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Maqams of Hz Khidr a.s in Adana

Hazreti Hıdır Makamı U0

Adana, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hazreti Hıdır Türbesi, L6

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...


Adana, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hazreti Hızır Makamı Cami, K3

Adana, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hazreti Hızır Makamı, P9

Adana, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hızır İlyas Türbesi, J12

Yumurtalik, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Maqams of Hz Khidr a.s in Central Turkey

Hazreti Hızır Aleyhisselam Makamı

Bahceli, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Uryan Hizir Sultan Hidir

Elazig, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Maqams of Hz Khidr a.s in Mersin

Hazreti Hıdır Türbesi, Mersin H7

Mersin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Hıdır Makamı, Mersin J6

Mersin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Seyidna Hıdır Aleyselam Türbesi, Mersin L3

Mersin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ Sahabas Sites in Turkey ~

Sahabas of Kilis

Altun Dede Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Ashabı Kiram Muhammed Bedevi Hazreti Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Bilal Habeş Cami

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz Zübeyr ve Hz Talha

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şeyh Ahmet Cami

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şeyh Ahmet Şeyh

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şeyh Bahaeddin ve Muhammed Şahabeddin Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şeyh Muhammet Mansur Cami

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şıh Efendi Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Şurahbil Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Yemen Ellerinden Sudanlı Şeyh Kara Baba Türbesi

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Cuneyne Mosque related to Companions

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz Mohammad Ansari r.a

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz Suheda Sultan r.a

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Three thousends companions of Kilis

Kilis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Sahabas of Cyprus

Hala Sultan Tekke

Larnaca, Cyprus Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. 10 Aug 1972...

Hz Omer Tomb, Companions Turbesi

Girne, Cyprus Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 35...

Sahabas in Adyaman

Hz. Ebu Zer Gifari – Adıyaman

Adiyaman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Mahmud Ensari r.a

Adiyaman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Safvan B. Muattal r.a

Adiyaman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Ubade Bin Bişr Türbesi

Adiyaman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Sahabas of Gaziantep

Hz. Malik Bin Ejder r.a

Kahramanmaras, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Sa’d bin Abu Vakkas r.a

Gaziantep, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz. Ukkaşe Bin Hasene r.a

Gaziantep, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Two Sahabas in Corum

Hz Ubayd i Gazi r.a

Corum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Kerebi Gazi Türbesi – Corum

Corum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Seydi Vakkas Hazretleri Türbesi

Corum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

The Gazis and the Sahabas of turkey

Abdulvahabigazi Türbes

Sivas, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 39...

Abdulvahap Gazi Sancaktar Mosque and Tomb

Iznik, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Abdurrahman Gazi Tomb

Ahlat, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 38...

Battal Gazi Camii Ve Türbesi

Kayseri, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Sayyid Abdurrahman Gazi turbesi r.a

Malatya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Abdülvahap Gazi r.a

Bolvadin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Seyid battal gazi Turbesi

Seyitgazi, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Three Sahabas Sites in Southern Turkey

Companions of Karaman

Karaman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Mikdat el Ensari r.a

Mersin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Sitti Zeynap Ra (the Holy Quran of Hz Abu Bakr R.a)

Alanya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Lost site of Two Sahabas in Sanliurfa

Shrine of Hz Hanzala el katib r.a

Sanliurfa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Cabir el-ensar mosque and tomb

Sanliurfa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Sahabas Enroute to Van lake

30 Companions of Biltis

Biltis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Feyzullah El Ensari Türbesi

Biltis, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Double Sahabas Maqams in Central Turkey

Hz Abu Darda r.a – Northern Turkey

Bartin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Bilal-i Habeşi r.a

Tarsus, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz. Ebu Derda r.a – Makam – Konya

Konya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Maqam Reverence Sites of Sahabas in Turkey

Hasan Basri Tomb

Malatya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Zeynul Abidin r.a

Nusaybin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz.İmam Zeynel Abidin Türbesi Kültür Vakfı

Malatya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Selman Pak Camii and makami

Nusaybin, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Sahabas Near Assos

Behramkale Murat Hüdavendigar Camii

Behram, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Kazim i Ansari r.a

Gulpinar, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Aburga Ahmet Dede Tomb

Bozcaada, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Sahabas of Erzurum and Bayburt

Sahaba e Kiram of Erzurum

Erzurum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Şehit Osman Türbesi

Erzurum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

More companions are said to be here as well

Erzurum, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Sahaba sites along the Black sea coast

Hazreti Abdül Vehhab Gazi Türbesi

Bayburt, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Kaysul Hamadani Türbesi

Kastamonu, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Lost Site of a Sahaba in Batman

Finding the site of Hz. Imam Abdullah r.a in Batman

Batman, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Are There any Female Sahabas in Turkey

Bibi Esma bint Ebi Bekir r.a

Samsun, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Bibi Esma Bint-i Yezid r.a in Trabzon

Trabzon, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Not Sure which I'll Cover

Cerrah Baba turbesi

Siverek, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Emir Ömer Türbesi r.a

Battalgazi, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz Sayyid Muhammad r.a

Dikilitas, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz Ukkase sultan r.a

Hirka, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Hz Koc dede r.a

Siverek, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Mughire bin sube r.a

Ziyaret, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Sayyid Omar Khalil r.a

Karacoban, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hz Sayyid Sulaiman r.a

Avvacik, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Sayyid Sultan r.a

Erzincan, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Sheikh Hasan Bey r.a

Sivas, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 39...

Hz Suheyb ibn Rumi r.a

Sivas, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 39...

Hz Yashi Dede r.a

Maruf, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Kara Comak r.a

Gaziantep, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Many Karams are said to have been buried here

Nigde, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Two Sahabis who were martyred here in Mugla

Mugla, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Oruçgazi Türbesi and one sahaba turbesi is here

Ucbas, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Seyh Abdulvahap Kotum Baba

Kucuksu, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ Awliya Allah ~

Great Awliya Allah of Turkey

Hz Somuncha baba r.a

Darende, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Hz Bektash Veli r.a

Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Hacibektas, Turkey PENTACON...

Spiritual Places in Konya

Hz. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi Rehmatullah alaih

The greatest Sufi mystic and poet in the Persian language, famous for his lyrics and for his epic Mas̄navi-yi Manavi (“Spiritual Couplets”), which widely influenced mystical thought and literature throughout the Muslim...

Hz Shams r.a of Tabriz Mosque and Tomb

Konya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Meeting place of Shams and Rumi r.a

Konya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Ateşbaz Veli r.a Tomb, companion of Hz. Rumi r.a

Konya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Awliyas Allah of Hatay

Şeyh Yusuf El Hekim

Hatay, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 36...

Hz Bayezid-i Bistami Hazretleri Türbesi

Antakya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Awliya Allah of Bursa

Emir Sultan Camii – Three great awliyas of bursa

Bursa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Tezveren Dede Tomb – Three great awliyas of bursa

Bursa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Uftade Mosque and Tomb

Bursa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 40...

Places related to Said nursi

Empty grave of Said Nursi

Sanliurfa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

Hotel room where he died

Sanliurfa, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates...

House of Said Nursi

Isparta, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

~ Love Story Maqams ~

Amazing Love Story Maqams in Turkey 💘

Ferhat and Şirin Lovers Museum

Amasya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates:...

Karem and Asli Love Story

Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Incomplete Information This...

Legendary Love story of Mem u Zin

Cizre, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...

Tahir ile Zühre Cami ve Türbesi

Konya, Turkey Not Graded yet This maqam will be graded only after the completion of the country by the admin. Stick around to find out more, and in the meantime check out the YouTube channel for updates. Coordinates: 37...