This is the site where it is said that the historical showdown between Hz. Ilyas عليه اسلام & 450 false prophets of Baal took place, Climb the stairs & have the most beautiful panoramic view off the Jezreel valley
Located underneath the Chapel, Cave of Hz. Ilyas عليه اسلام is regarded holy for all 3 religion as the traditions holds that Hz. Ilyas عليه اسلام took shelter here for some time after fleeing persecution from the pagan...
Site where according to christian belief Hz. Ilyas عليه اسلام (Elijah) ascended to heaven. Also a cave said to be the house of Hz. Yahya عليه اسلام is nearby this hill
One in Jordan and one in Isreal occupied Palestine, Here lies the salt pillar of Wife of Hz. Lut عليه اسلام who disbelieved in the messenger of Allah and Froze to death
Famed for being the cave in which Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها nursed Hz. Isa عليه اسلام and due to a spilt milk, the cave turned white. Also because of the milk powder, this cave is frequented the womens who want to...
Located in the center of the downtown Nazareth, This was the place where according to the biblical tradition, Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها mother of Hz. Isa عليه اسلام, was announced by the Hz. Jibrael عليه اسلام that she...
One of the best-preserved church in Jerusalem, It marks the traditional site of the home of Hz. Isa's عليه اسلام maternal grandparents, Hz. Imran عليه اسلام and Bibi Hannah رضي الله عنها (biblical Anne and Joachim), and...
Once a pilgrimage site, this land is believed to be, acc to christian sources, the site where Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها rested on her way from Nazareth to Bethlehem
Many great things happened here, as it is said that this place was the childhood home of Hz. Yahya عليه اسلام and Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها & Bibi Elizabeth رضي الله عنها met here, and also there is a stone which hid...
Also knows as Chamber of Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها & Oratory of Mary, this little cradle and mihrab is associated to Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها & Hz. Isa عليه اسلام on many occasions and the place which is mentioned by...
Another site of Annunciation close to Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها well, where it is said that Hz. Jibrael عليه اسلام appeared to Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها to announce her that she was going to become the mother of Hz. Isa...
The mosque stands on the site where it is said that Bibi Maryam رضي الله عنها stopped here to drink from the spring to quench her thirst while she was on her way to meet the mother of Hz. Yahya عليه اسلام
Situated near Jubb Yusuf Caravanserai, the Well of Hz. Yusuf عليه اسلام is believed and respected as the pit into which the prophet Yusuf was cast into by his brothers, later to be sold to a caravan making its way...
Dating back to the 12th century, legend has it that the Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام struck the ground with his staff causing water to gush out in a spring. This water is considered to have healing powers
Also knows as Sabir Makam, Cave of Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام is where he, while suffering from leprosy, laid in patience with his wife and prayed to Allah to make him healthy, which in due time was granted. Also there is the...
This spring in Tabgha is named after the Quranic prophet Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام. According to the tradition, Hz. Ayyub عليه اسلام lived in the nearby cave and treated himself from his sickness in the waters of the spring
Shared by both Christians and muslims, this common ground is where both the communities pay their respects to the saint (muslims believe him to be Hz. Khizr عليه اسلام and christians believe him as St George)
Thought to bring happiness and wish fulfillment, Hidirellez marks the day, acc to local turkic traditions, on which Hz. Khizr عليه اسلام meet Hz. Ilyas عليه اسلام every year
Also known as King David Wells, it is believed that Hz. Dawud عليه اسلام once ordered his soldiers to fetch water from these wells (as it is mentioned in biblical sources). Also it is said that he drank from the spring...
Once an open air mosque, this mosque is now converted into a small garden by israeli settlers, one of many attempts to erase Islamic heritage of Palestine
Intended to serve the garrison of the Citadel, Masjid Mehrab-e-Dawud served as a Friday mosque, and was the only Friday mosque within the walls of the city other than al-Aqsa Mosque
Locally also knows as Sri pada, Adam's Peak is said to be the first place on earth, acoording to some narrations, where Hz. Adam عليه اسلام set foot on after getting out of from heaven
Located 45 kilometers away from Harran, there's a cave among the ruins of the city known as the residing place (for some time) of Hz. Shuaib عليه اسلام
Only opened during the Hajj season, Masjid al-Khaif is one of the most important mosque in mina valley where it is said according to many traditions that Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and it also knows as burial site of Hz...
Most likely a purification basin carved in front of a Lihyanite temple, Mahlab an-Naqa, accordint to local tradition, is a basin which used to be filled with the milk of Prophet Saleh's عليه اسلام She-camel
Also knows as Prophet's Spring, it is believed to be the spring which provided fresh water to the people of jerico due to a miracle done by Hz. Al-Yasaa عليه اسلام
Also Known as Musallah Zakariyyah (عليه السلام), this small prayer niche is built upon the site where it is believed Hz. Zakariyyah عليه اسلام used to pray